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  • 混流泵轴流泵离心泵性能区别
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    普通来说,比拟最高效率点的话,轴流泵的效率在80%左右,离心泵在60%-80%,混流泵 介于以上两者之间。但也不是绝对的。从性能曲线来看,他们的流量-效率曲线都是向上凸的抛物线,轴流泵流量-效率曲线急速上升后急速降落,离心泵比拟平整,混流泵在两者之间,欢送大家来我公司参观协作!公司集铸造,装配,消费于一体。消费配备、检测手腕先进完备,产品的设计、过程控制均采用现代化管理。主要产品均采用国际先进规范消费。销售形势喜人,正在如火如荼展开消费,以满足客户需求,保质保量,有望翻番完成全年销售目的。

    Generally speaking, compared with the highest efficiency point, the efficiency of axial flow pump is about 80%, that of centrifugal pump is 60%-80%, and that of mixed flow pump is between the above two. But it is not absolute. From the performance curve, their flow efficiency curves are upward convex parabola. The flow efficiency curve of axial flow pump rises rapidly and then drops rapidly. The centrifugal pump is relatively flat, and the mixed flow pump is between the two. Welcome to visit our company for cooperation! The company integrates casting, assembly and production. Production equipment and testing means are advanced and complete, and modern management is adopted for product design and process control. The main products are manufactured according to international advanced standards. The sales situation is gratifying. Production is in full swing to meet customer needs, ensure quality and quantity, and is expected to double the annual sales target.

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